Everything in Clay

Fun and glamorous ceramics with a practical twist

I love making so many things, that I work in all sorts of different styles. I throw, I handbuild, I cast. I have so many ideas of so many things that I want to do, that it can be confusing if you want to pin me down to one thing. I know a lot of people like that – associating one style with a person, but that is not me. I just hope you like a range! I do still occasionally make things in stoneware, just because it’s good to have variety, but I always go back to porcelain.

Unique & Handmade

I mostly work with Porcelain.  It is the hardest to work with, the most expensive, but it is so worth it. It can be made thin and translucent, but still remains super strong. It is translucent, and smooth.

Porcelain came over from China in the 1700s, and drove the Europeans mad. What was this stuff that was so white, so translucent and so strong? We went in to a frenzy to try and reproduce it, which is when things like bone china were invented. However porcelain is still the only throw-able clay that can be translucent (china has to be cast).

“So happy with this. Beautifully made, original and intriguing piece of wall art. Definitely a focal point and attracting lots of positive comments! Will have to build up my collection”.